Dog Training
Online Training
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Private Sessions
Private Training Session
Duration: 1 Hour
Price: $150
Location: Greely
Training Includes:
- One-on-one evaluation of your dog by Keara
- A personalized training plan tailored to your dog’s needs
- Essential handling skills to help you maintain progress at home
Puppy Program
Set Your Puppy Up for Success from the Start!
There’s no better way to kick off your puppy’s training than by having them spend a day learning with a professional trainer.
Program Details:
- Duration: 4 Weeks
- Price: $500
- 1 Day Train Per Week x 4
- 1 Private Go-Home Session
- Personalized Video Lessons & Homework
- The Trainer Starter Kit (Slip Leash, Tab Leash, Treat Pouch, Training Toy, and more)